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Freightos' sturdy growth: Focused on digitalising world freight – Air Cargo Week

By May 21, 2024No Comments

Freightos Puny, a number one seller-neutral digital reserving and payment platform for the enviornment freight industry, reported monetary outcomes for the quarter ended March 31, 2024.

“We’re pleased with the sturdy first quarter of the one year, which highlights the robustness and rising acceptance of our platform, and the strides we are making in digitalizing world freight, bringing effectivity and transparency to this critical sector,” talked about Zvi Schreiber, CEO of Freightos. “We pursued numerous initiatives to amplify no longer most productive the number but furthermore the label of the transactions, including investing in Asia, and an emphasis on excessive label shipments similar to pharma. Attempting ahead, we remain targeted on the alternatives in the massive air and ocean freight markets, driving continued growth and innovation in the quarters to realize motivate.”


“The main quarter outcomes exceeded our expectations in each metric: the replacement of transactions, Defective Booking Worth, earnings, and profitability,” talked about Ran Shalev, CFO of Freightos. “We remain now on target to comprise our 2024 steering, in addition to to our long-time length dreams for growth, profitability, and cash technology.”

First Quarter 2024 Monetary Highlights

  • Income of $5.4 million for the first quarter of 2024, an amplify of 11% compared to $4.8 million in the first quarter of 2023.
  • IFRS Defective Margin of 62.6%, up from 58.3% in the first quarter of 2023. Non-IFRS Defective Margin of 70.3%, up from 65.0% for the first quarter of 2023.
  • IFRS working loss of $5.5 million, compared to $58.0 million for the first quarter of 2023, which incorporated a one-time non-cash share list expense of $46.7 million.
  • Adjusted EBITDA of negative $3.6 million, compared to negative $5.8 million for the first quarter of 2023.
  • Cash and cash equivalents, fast time length deposits and fast time length investments amounting to $49.8 million on the quit of March 2024.

Freightos executed a fable 295.6 thousand transactions in the first quarter of 2024, up 29% one year over one year. This became the 17th consecutive quarter of fable Transactions. The Platform’s growth vastly outpaced market growth: Global air cargo volumes per IATA files grew 13% one year on one year, and global ocean shipping volumes grew 9%.

Defective Booking Worth (GBV) became $192.4 million in the first quarter, up 14% compared to the first quarter of 2023, and vastly above management’s expectations. This outperformance stems basically from recovery in freight charges all the draw in which via the first quarter, essentially as a outcomes of the Crimson Sea crisis and the next modal shift to air cargo.

The replacement of Outlandish buyer customers digitally reserving freight companies and products all over the Freightos Platform grew by 11% compared to the first quarter of 2023, reaching 18.0 thousand.


Income of $5.4 million mirrored sturdy growth of air cargo digital bookings and of Freightos Terminal files subscriptions. Complete Platform earnings in the first quarter became $1.9 million, up 12% from the first quarter of 2023, and Choices earnings became $3.5 million, up 10% one year over one year.

The replacement of Carriers selling on the Platform, essentially on WebCargo, elevated to 49 for the first quarter of 2024. Amongst the most up-to-the-minute carrier additions are Virgin Atlantic Cargo and Delta Cargo.
